On Jan1,2025, We celebrated our birthdays as rowers at Claudia Schneider's home ( our gracious host) , lots of food and fun times to catch up with fellow rowers...we played 'white elephant' game and many came away with some amazing wins...
In rowing, a rower's birthday is significant in determining their age category and whether they are considered a junior, senior, or master:
Junior: Rowers under 18 years old are considered juniors. There are different age categories within junior rowing, defined by the rower's age on September 1 of the previous year.
Senior: Rowers who are older than under 23 (U23) are considered seniors.
Master: Rowers who are 27 years old or older are considered masters. The age of a master's crew is determined by the average age of the rowers in the crew, rounded to the nearest integer. Masters age categories are designated with letters, starting with A for the youngest and going up to G or beyond for the oldest.